REthink Wellness

Redefine your health by focusing on wellness, not disease.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

- Albert Einstein

  • Functional Medicine

    Functional Medicine is a growing field that promotes health by addressing the underlying causes of disease. Rather than just treating symptoms, we investigate how and why illness occurs in each individual.

    By treating the cause of the illness, we can restore health and prevent symptoms from recurring.

  • Whole Person

    Our approach focuses on the whole person.

    We think about connected systems rather than isolated organs, restoring balance by replacing drivers of disease with healthy lifestyles and behaviors. Our whole-person focus acknowledges that the body affects the mind, and the mind affects the body.

“Healing can be defined as the dynamic process of recovery, repair, reintegration, and renewal that increases resilience, coherence, and wholeness. Healing is an emergent, transformative process of the whole person—physical, mental, social, spiritual, and environmental.”

- David Rakel, MD

  • Patient-Centered

    We’re not treating a generic patient. We’re treating you.

    We start by learning your story with curiosity and empathy. You have a unique genetic makeup, biochemistry, environment, history, and lifestyle—and we consider all these factors in the process of discovery.

  • Collaborative Partnership

    Understanding your story, we tailor treatments to your complex needs and partner with you in your personalized healthcare solution.

    By collaborating with you, and not just treating your illness, we empower you to move to beyond the absence of disease into optimized health.

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness.”

- Anonymous

  • Innovative

    Medical research is a rapidly developing field, and our functional medicine approach provides access to advances in the health sciences.

    We integrate best practices from conventional medicine, natural and alternative options, and innovative therapies to create the least invasive, least toxic, and least costly healthcare solution for you.

    Our services include regenerative and anti-aging treatments, detailed functional and conventional lab testing, and research-based food plans, just to name a few.

  • Pillars of Health

    At RE Wellness, we focus on wellness. Illness exists because wellness doesn’t. Creating a system of wellness helps fight and eliminate disease.

    Our approach focuses on creating wellness through 5 pillars of health: Nutrition, Movement, Sleep, Stress Management, and Hormone Balance.

    As part of your healthcare solution, we partner with you to cultivate a lifestyle with these healthy habits to optimize your wellness.

“Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how.’”

- Victor Frankl